Website Development |
June 29, 2022

Beginner’s Guide to Website Development


What is Website Development?

In this beginner’s guide to website development, you will come to know the process of creating, building and maintaining a website which includes all related development tasks. This includes client-side scripting, server-side scripting, server, and network security configuration, e-commerce development, and content management system (CMS) development.

The aspects of web designing, web publishing, web programming, and database management come within the purview of website development. So, to be more specific, we can say that the end result of any website development process is an application that works over the Internet which we call the ‘websites’.

If you are a beginner or new to development process, then this guide to website development will take you through the learning process and you can be assured that website development is fairly exciting and easy to learn.

Basics of Website Development

In this general guide to website development, we will be discussing the basics of website development and to start with, we will be learning about:

  • Website and its working process
  • IP address
  • Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • Coding using the code editor
  • Front-end Website Development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Back-end Development made up of Server, Programming Language & Database
  • Cybersecurity

1. Website and How it Works

A website is a collection of interlinked webpages and related content that are shared by a unique common domain and published at least on one or more servers on the web, available publicly or privately.

Websites are stored on a computer known as a server, which therein, is connected to the giant network known as the Internet. The website can be loaded through a browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc. on the user’s computer, or on phone. These browsers are computer programs that load websites via your Internet connection and the computers used to access these websites are known as “clients”.

2. IP address

As we identify people or various entities by their names, the identification of different devices, websites, etc. happens through Internet Protocol (IP) addresses on the network.

When we say that the IP address of Webanix Solutions is It means that no other website or device has the same string of numbers as the IP address on the network. So, an IP address is a unique address, in the form of a set of strings of numbers, used to identify devices on the Internet or a local network. These are the identifier that allows information to be sent between devices on a network. The network communicates only through IP addresses.

The Internet needs a way to differentiate between different computers, routers, and websites and IP address is the universally accepted solution. However, all these happen in the background without us knowing these numbers as identifiers as we use the domain name for it to be easy for us to remember and communicate as well.

3. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the set of rules that connects us and our website request to the remote server that is the home to all website data. It defines how messages should be sent over the Internet and allows you to communicate your data (in different formats like text, images, sound, video other multimedia files) over the World Wide Web.

As a request-response protocol, HTTP provides a framework for the client to interact with the server in the same language. Majorly, it is a translator between us and the internet, from reading our website request to reading the code sent back from the server and translating it for you in the form of a website.

4. Coding Using the Code Editor

Coding is basically instructing the machine to perform actions and also how to complete different tasks using programming languages.

The rules for building websites, apps, and other computer-based technologies are determined by programming languages and they help us communicate with our machines accurately. They consist of vocabulary and grammatical rules, special commands, abbreviations, and punctuation that can only be read by devices and programs.

All software applications are made using at least one coding language depending on the platform, operating system, and style and the coding tool is known as a code editor. The most popular code editor is VS Code. Getting back to programming languages, all languages fall into either of two categories: front-end or back-end.

5. Front-end Development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Front-end also known as client-side is basically the user interface using which you can interact with another internet user. So, here comes the role of front-end coding languages which allow the website to perform without having to frequently communicate with the Internet while transferring the website information from the server to a browser. In this guide to website development we have also discussed about the front-end development in detail.

Front-end coding allows users to interact with a website and play videos, expand or minimize images, highlight text, etc. Control components such as typography and fonts, navigation, positioning, and browser compatibility and responsiveness are the part of Front-end development. The front-end of a website consists of three types of files: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

1. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)

HTML is the basis of all websites and its role is very important in the website development process. It is the main file type that is loaded in your browser, which provides structure and contains all the content on the page using different types of tags. These tags are used to create headline titles, paragraphs, bulleted lists, images, etc.

However, it wouldn’t look attractive to create a website using only HTML. So, for enhancing and making the website more attractive and productive with different features and abilities, CSS and JavaScript are used.

The most recent version available is HTML5, which supports cross-platform browser functionality, making it popular in mobile application development.

2. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

CSS adds design elements like typography, layouts, and colors to websites to enhance their overall aesthetics. Using CSS, if and when needed, you can even create animations and shapes.

CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content for improving accessibility and provides more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics. It reduces complexity and repetition in the structural content because of its portability as the same .css file can be used by different web pages.

3. JavaScript

Presently, JavaScript is the most widely used coding language in the world and with the help of Node.Js, it is now a popular back-end coding language. It is a programming language that is used to add functionality to websites.

For example, you can make your website dynamic by adding animations, automating tasks within certain pages, and adding interactive features to enhance the user experience.

6. Back-end Development comprising Server, Programming Language & Database

Back-end, also known as the server side is like an operations department of an organization where all the functionalities are performed and which is pretty invisible to you when you use the Internet. The back-end or server-side of website development consists of three main components: the server, a server-side programming language, and the database.

7. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is the practice of securing data, networks, and computers from always malicious acts of finding vulnerabilities in websites to expose private information, steal data, and crash servers. There are smart hackers on the Internet and so there should be smarter security measures to defend against them. You should take enough precautions to secure your site from any targets of disaster. Consequentially, a basic understanding of cybersecurity best practices is critical for effective web development and periodical security audits should be done mandatorily.

Learning about the basis of website development, check the web development services offered by WEBaniX solutions. Also get to know about the web development process in detail

Guide to Website Development Process

1. Planning

Brainstorming within the team and with the stakeholders to find out the goal of your website, the target audience requirements depend upon, the type of website, the content to be published and its purpose, the structure for the best navigational experience, and benchmarking of your budget.

2. Creating a Wireframe

Creating a blueprint or visual synopsis of the website is very crucial for getting an idea of how your content will show up on the front end.

3. Drafting up a Sitemap

A sitemap gives a developer the information needed to meet your vision. You can create sitemap by yourself or consult with interested parties like developers involved in making your website.

4. Writing your Website Code

Coding is in the development phase of your website where developers will use different coding languages for the front-end and back-end of websites and for different functionalities of the site (such as design, interactivity, etc.

5. Building the back-end of your website

The back end handles the data that enables the functionality on the front end. This comprises the Server, Databases, and programming language. However, it also depends on what kind of website you are trying to construct. For example, informational websites do not need any backend.

6. Building the front-end of your website

It is the front-end that serves as an interface between your website and its visitors, customers, and users. So, it is important that there the interface is user-friendly and interactive.

7. Working with a CMS. (Optional)

CMS is easier to use a readily available system where you have to write less code in lesser time. It often comes with readymade tools also known as plugins for hosting the site, storing user information, creating a blog, publishing landing pages, capturing leads, and even building an email list. However, CMS has its own limitations when it comes to creating a robust website with enhanced features and functionalities.

8. Acquire a domain name

Your website needs a domain name, an easy-to-remember attractive name that your visitors can use to find your site.

GoDaddy, Hostinger, Bluehost, etc. provide services that help you purchase a domain name and register with ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Some domain registrations are charged and some are free for a year and have charges on their renewal.

9. Launch your site

Once your website has a domain name and is linked to your host, it is ready to be launched on the web. But before that, it is important to plan out responsibilities on your team related to the functioning and maintenance of the website. The website should be tested thoroughly to find out any bugs and fix them. Making the website ready for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one important aspect to be taken care of. Eventually, a final check is needed followed by taking your website live.

Learn Web Development at WEBaniX Solutions, A Best Website Development Company in USA

WEBaniX is a top-notch web development company in USA, that provides customized web development services to their wider client base globally. Our experience with global clientele, knowledge across multiple industry domains, and we have expertise in working on the latest frameworks and technologies and make WEBaniX the leading website development company in the USA. Connect with the experts to know more about our products and services in detail.